Campaign Update and Final Year Push

As we are in the final year of the Build the Dream campaign, who could have predicted the circumstances the world finds itself in. The one constant in all of this is the one true God. The campaign committee started out this calendar year in January planning for a big final year push for Build the Dream. Our plans were put on hold as a capital raise for the dry fire suppression system took precedent and, of course, everything was put on hold due to the pandemic. The campaign committee is back to work planning for that final year push. Through June 30, 2020 the Build the Dream campaign had over $1.4 million of commitments and had received over $1 million of gifts. We thank the Lord for moving our member’s hearts to give generously to this campaign. Although, we celebrate what has been accomplished, we are still in need of approximately $575,000 of new commitments and new gifts to reach our goal of $2 million.  

This new world of social distancing presents new challenges to the traditional methods of raising money. The campaign committee is working on news ways to communicate our need and new ways for members to give. Please keep an open mind and prayerfully consider how you might participate in this final year push. Although many of us are unable to currently enjoy the much needed upgrades implemented through Build More, Do More, Serve More and Build the Dream, consider how difficult those upgrades and completed projects could have happened today. We pray for the day that we, along with many visitors, family, and friends can once again comfortably worship together again.

Our congregation, along with our communities and our country, face a great deal of uncertainty. To those members giving to fulfill their commitments to Build the Dream, we say thank you and keep the faith through these trying times. To those members who have completed their commitments to BMDMSM and Build the Dream, we ask that you consider pressing for the goal of finishing the dream. To those who haven’t participated in Build the Dream, we ask that you consider helping finish the dream. It is only through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross that we can someday stand in the presence of God and it is through our member’s sacrificial giving that we can share that opportunity with those who do not have a relationship with our Savior.

For more information about this campaign, please contact the church office at 952-888-2475.

To give to this campaign, you can click here:   

This is an update about how the campaign is going and what you can do to participate.

This video is from our Build More, Do More, Serve More campaign, which launched in 2015, and completed in 2018.